I don't even know where to begin in paying tribute to my beautiful mother on her birthday. She is more than just the best mother and grandmother I could ever ask for.
My mother is loving, generous, feisty, resourceful, and always impeccably coiffed.
She has been a hairdresser for over 50 years, starting with an apprenticeship at age 14 in a neighbouring village, and including a stint at the very chic La Coupe salon in Montreal in the 60s when she first came to Canada, and continuing to this day with the thriving salon my father built for her at home.
She and my father left Italy in search of adventure and raised three kids in Canada, but still have a strong connection to home. In fact, my mother served (and continues to serve) as president of the Club Vicentini di Montreal for many years.
She has a silly side - for example, she once disguised herself as a nun to meet her siblings arriving at the airport from Italy.
Her lasagna and torta sabiosa are fuel for my soul - actually, everything she cooks is delicious.
I have caused her more than her fair share of grief over the years what with motorcycles and tattoos and a freelance career, but I hope she feels satisfied in the knowledge that she brought me up with the kind of values I hope to instil in my own children.
Here she is with my son Rocco when he first arrived, a few months ago.
Buon compleanno, mamma.